Spear Mail

We are Mumbai based Spear Mail dealers, providing you with the best On-Premises Mailing solutions for your Home, Business, and Enterprise. To know more about spear mail solutions you can contact us.

SpearMail is an industry-standard robust e-mail server that helps set up a comprehensive e-mail solution similar to that deployed at large corporate firms at a fraction of the price.

  • Employees can have e-mail addresses of the type [email protected]
  • Users can send and receive mail from their desktop even when not connected to the Internet
  • Local Intranet e-mails can be set up at no-cost
  • Supports popular mail clients like Outlook and Outlook Express
  • Users can use features like Auto forward, Auto-responder, Mail Archival
  • Protection from unsolicited e-mail – The Spam Filter Feature
  • Installation, configuration and administration are a breeze – It has the most simple and intuitive interface
  • Supports Attachment Filtering too
  • Supports Multiple Domains and Mail collection from multiple remote POP3 mailboxes
  • Supports SMTP Authentication and Alternate Mail Routing
  • Built-in Backup Restore Facility