
Mcafee epo 4.6 Installation

  1. Upload file zip file
    1. Vse 8.8 zip file
    2.  Ase 8.7 zip file
    3. Ma 4.6 zip file
  2. Epo Agent Meta zip file2. Menu –software – Extension Then Click Install Extension
    1. Click Ok To Complete Install Extension
  3. Menu-software-Master Repository- Click Product (Zip) & Browse Following File
    1. Vse 8.7 Zip
    2. 8.7 Zip
    3. Ma 4.6 Zip
  4. Update Schedule
    1. Menu-Software- Master Repository –Click On Action-Click  Schedule Pull – Name-Update Mcafee Antivirus –Schedule Status-Enable -Next –Action Select On Reposition Full
    2. Source Site Macfee ftp-Current-All Package
    3. Schedule Type-Daily-Start Date-End Date-Schedule Between –next-Save
  5. Product Deployment
    1. Menu-Policy-Client-Task Catalog
    2. Click –Product Deployment
    3. Action-New Task-Task Type Select- Product Deployment-Ok
    4. Task Name-Product Deployment
    5. Target Platform-Windows
    6. Product & Compost :-  a) Mcafee Agant for Windows
    7. Virus Enterprise
    8. Anti Spyware Enterprise Mode 8.7.0
    9. Click On Run At Every Policy Enforcement – Save
    10. Then Click On Assign on This Policy & Click On My Organization Ok
    11. Open Windows Show On: – Product                   Task Type                                Task Name
    12. Mcafee agent        Product Deployment             Deploy
    13. Created On :-  My Organization
    14. Lock task Inheritance :-   Unlocked
    15. Tags: – Sent This Task All Computer- Next
  6.   Schedule On This Client Task
    1. Schedule Status –enable
    2. Schedule Type –Run Immediately-Other Font Are by Default Task Runs according To Local Time     Client –next – Then Save
  7. Download Frame Package
    1. Menu – System – System Tree
    2. Click On-System Tree Action
    3. Then Click on New System
    4. Choose: – Create and download agent Installation Package in How to Add System Then Click Ok
    5. Then Click Frame Package in Download File and save desktop – Click Close