
Addresses, phone numbers, and contacts now converted to links in Gmail and Inbox to save users time

Gmail users often exchange information like addresses and phone numbers with each other to set up meetings, introduce colleagues, and plan events. Precious time can be lost by having to copy and paste this information from an email into other apps and websites, so we wanted to provide a better way to perform these tasks that also saves time. That’s why starting today, Gmail and Inbox by Gmail on Android, iOS, and the web will begin converting text to interactive hyperlinks whenever they detect phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses in emails.image1
How it works
Clicking an address link will take the user to Google Maps. Clicking an email address will compose a new email, using the user’s default email client. Finally, when using a mobile device, clicking a phone number will start a call request using the default phone app.
Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid and Scheduled releaseEditions:
Available to all G Suite editions

Rollout pace:
Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

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