What is VAPT?

  • VAPT consist of two processes, one is Vulnerability Assessment (VA) and the other is Penetration Testing (PT).
  • VA is a specialized way to discover the security loopholes in a system or programming framework.
  • PT is a proof-of-concept strategy to actually investigate and exploit vulnerabilities. This method validates whether the vulnerability really exists and further proves that VAPT can be done for all the Endpoints, Servers, Firewalls, Switches, Routers, Websites, Web apps and any device having IP including smart TV, industrial machines etc.

Why VAPT is required?

  • To find out loopholes within the System/Network.
  • To identify security vulnerabilities within an application.
  • To keep the financial data secure while transferring it between systems or over networks.
  • To protect user data.
  • To assess the tolerance of businesses to cyber-attacks.
  • To implement an effective security strategy in the organization.

How VAPT is done?

  • Finds the target device/system/website.
  • Scans destinations using various methods.
  • Based on found vulnerabilities solution does the Penetration Testing using multiple methods.
  • Reports have been generated that show the Vulnerabilities, impact, solution and PT evidence/output.

Why SecPoint?

  • Full Privacy – all operations at your defined location.
  • Scan any device, any OS. Scan Local and Public IP addresses.
  • Advanced AI & Machine Learning.
  • Customize reports, branding, and Logo.
  • 11 Vulnerability Scan Profiles & more customizations.
  • Training, Setup assistance, User-Friendly GUI, Fast Support.
  • License not locked to IPs. Pay only for concurrent scan size.
  • Launch real exploits.