Why Choose Email Archive Solutions? Get to Know More

Email Archive Solutions

Email Archive Solutions are made to securely and effectively handle electronic communications inside of a business. These systems ensure regulatory compliance and provide faster retrieval procedures when necessary by automatically storing, indexing, and protecting against data loss emails.

Key Features

Seamless Integration with Exchange & Lotus

Seamless Integration with Exchange & Lotus

No Requirement of 3rd party DB Server

No Requirement of 3rd party DB Server

Encrypted & Compressed Storage

Encrypted & Compressed Storage

Detailed report and Back up

Automated Real Time Archiving

Lightning-Fast Search & Retrieval

Built-in Import Tool to Archive Existing Email

Web & Rule based archiving

Any where access with the Device Compatibility

  1. Mails are automatically archived by configuringSMTP forwarding or Journaling on Mail server
  2. Emails are indexed, compressed, deduplicated and stored in an encrypted format
  3. End users, administrators and auditors can connect through a web interface for search and retrieval