Domain Protect +

Domain Protect + is a security bundle for your domain that safeguards your privacy, protects your domain from malware and keeps your domain secure from malicious actors.​

When you Register a domain name with , the Whois of your domain name lists your personal information (such as Name, Company Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email Address) as Contact Details for that domain name. This information becomes available to anyone who performs a
Whois lookup of your domain name.

Your personal information is, therefore, at risk from being manipulated by data miners, who can then target you via junk email, prank telephone calls, postal messages, fax messages, etc..

Using ‘s Domain Protect + service, you may immediately put a stop to such abuse. When you enable this service for your domain name, we replace your Contact Details in the Whois information with our generic contact details, thus, masking your personal contact details.

In addition to whois masking, you also get added features like malware scans and blacklist monitoring powered by SiteLock. Not only are you protecting both your domain and website, but your reputation as well.

Keep your domain protected from unauthorized changes with security alerts and 2FA on critical domain actions like privacy, theft protection, etc. Our Domain Security Alert feature will notify the registrant contact of any changes made to the domain (Coming Soon)

NOTE: This feature is not available for the following TLDs (extensions):

Due to restrictions imposed by the Registry Operator:

.DE ,  .GDN ,  .LTDA ,  .US ,  .EU ,  .CN ,  .ASIA ,  .IN ,  .PRO ,  .TEL


Hiding/Publishing Contact Details in the Whois of a .TEL Domain Name



Hiding/Publishing Contact Details in the Whois of a .CA Domain Name

.EC .ES,  .SX,  .RU,  .CO.DE .BE .UK


.UK Registrants who are non-trading individuals (those who do not use or plan to use their domain name for business, trade [including registration of domain names for monetization purposes] or professional transactions) can choose to opt out of having their Contact Details displayed in the Whois lookup. This option can be enabled by the Registrant from within his Nominet control panel.

.NYC,  .SEX,  .SRL,  .IT,  .BLOG,  .BERLIN,  .WANG,  .XN–H2BRJ9C (.BHARAT),  .NGO,  .ONG,  .WEB.IN,  .VOTE,  .VOTO,  .MX,  .TOP,  .WALES,  .CYMRU,  .SKI,  .NZ,  .ARCHI,  .BIO,  .ADULT,  .PORN

Due to restrictions enforced through ICANN’s contract with the Sponsor/Registry Operator:


Due to other restrictions:

.ORG.CO,   .MIL.CO,   .GOV.CO,   .EDU.CO