Improving deduplication when uploading to Google Drive

A common use case for Google Drive users is to download a file from their Drive to modify it locally, and then to re-upload the new version. In the past, this would result in duplicate files (the original and the new one), and users would have trouble finding the latest version. That’s why we’re introducing a change in Drive to deduplicate files which were uploaded in this way.

Once launched, when users upload files that have the same filename as an existing file, they’ll be deduplicated, and the old file will be in revision history. This is so that if any mistakes are made, users can get back to the previous version. Similarly, uploaded folders will be merged with folders of the same name.
Keep as a separate file
To prevent the files from being deduplicated, click on “Keep as separate file” once it’s been uploaded.


Improving the deduplication flow when uploading to Google Drive
A common use case for Google Drive users is to download a file from their Drive to modify it locally, and then to re-upload the new version. In the past, this would result in duplicate files (the original and the new one), and users would have trouble finding the latest version. That’s why we’re introducing a change in Drive to deduplicate files which were uploaded in this way.

Once launched, when users upload files that have the same filename as an existing file, they’ll be deduplicated, and the old file will be in revision history. This is so that if any mistakes are made, users can get back to the previous version. Similarly, uploaded folders will be merged with folders of the same name.

To prevent the files from being deduplicated, click on “Keep as separate file” once it’s been uploaded.

Available on the web today for Rapid release users, we hope you enjoy the simpler way to update your files.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to Rapid release, with Scheduled release coming in 2 weeks

Rollout pace:
Gradual rollout (potentially longer than 3 days for feature visibility)

All end users

Reference by

How to establish SMTP relay from WordPress in Cpanel or Plesk server

How to establish SMTP relay from WordPress in Cpannel or Plesk server:

Create a email account from Cpannel or Plesk server.

Install Postman SMTP plugin at your WordPress website.

Enter Outgoing Mail Server (eg )
Enter outgoing server port: 465
Envelope from Email Address: [email protected]
Authentication: Plain
Username: [email protected]
Save Changes.


Now test your contact form of WordPress website.

Now check the emails . All mails would be received to email id you have setup in contact form’s From field.