Setting Up Your POP or IMAP Email Address in MS Outlook Express

To Set Up Your E-mail Account in Microsoft Outlook Express

  • In Microsoft Outlook Express, from the Tools menu, select Accounts

  • Go to the Mail tab and from the Add menu, select Mail.

  • In the Display Name field, enter you full name and click .

  • In the E-mail address field, enter your email address and click Next.

  • On the E-mail Server Names page, complete your information as follows:
    • My incoming mail server is a POP3 or IMAP.
    • Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server
    • POP or IMAP
    • Outgoing mail (SMTP) server

Click Next.

NOTE:“” is an SMTP relay server. In order to use this server to send e-mails, you must first activate SMTP relay on your e-mail account. Log on to your Manage Email Accounts page to set up SMTP relay. If you do not have SMTP relay set up and your Internet Service Provider (ISP) allows it, you can use the outgoing mail server for your Internet Service Provider. Contact your Internet Service Provider to get this setting.

  • In the Account Name and Password fields, enter your email address and password, and then click Next.

  • On the setup confirmation page, click Finish.

  • On the Mail tab, select the account you just created, and then click Properties.

  • Go to the Servers tab.
  • Select My server requires authentication, and then click Apply.


  • Go to the Advanced tab.
  • In the Server Port Numbers section, change Outgoing mail (SMTP) to 80, and then click OK.

  • (Optional) If you want to keep a copy of email messages stored on your email provider’s servers, in theDelivery section, select Leave a copy of messages on server.

Your Outlook Express account is now set up. Click Close to close the Internet Accounts window and return to your Outlook Express.



IP / Domain lookup & reputation checking tools

Barracuda IP Reputation :

Barracuda Domain Reputation :

Barracuda Domain Catagory :

WatchGuard Reputation Authority :

Ip Blacklist Check :

Mcafee Trusted Source Check :

CISCO Reputation Check :

Sendmail IP Reputation Tool :

Linux command for system information


MotherBoard :-
dmidecode -t 2


CPU :-
cat /proc/cpuinfo


Memory :-
cat /proc/meminfo


HardDisk :-
fdisk -l

System Configuration :-
dmidecode > hardwaredetails.txt


less hardwaredetails.txt



Cyber hackers new target is your mobile

India has rapidly adopted modern technology, be it cellular telephony, computers, smartphones, social networks and now tablets. No wonder, the country comes second after the US in incidences of cyber attacks and malicious activity .

Shantanu Ghosh, vice president, India Product Operations, Symantec, one of the world’s largest data security company, says that smartphones, instant messaging and social networks are becoming the new playground for virus and malware attacks in India. “We have found that attackers are now embedding malware into apps that are available for download on app stores of smartphone makers.

On the face of it, these apps look legitimate , doing the same function the user downloaded them for. However, in the background, they function in a way they should not. Indians have the highest confidence levels in the Asia-Pacific-Japan region regarding the use of third-party software on their mobile phones. As India Inc takes to mobile computing and social networking in a big way, it needs to be watchful about the vulnerabilities and threats on these platforms,” he says.

The vulnerabilities on mobile platforms rose by 42% in 2010. The company also noticed a massive threat volume – of over 286 million new threats – with web-based attacks increasing by 92% last year. He reckons that the incidence of malicious activity is not only growing in India, but the country is also among the top originators of malicious activity.

“Our data shows that India was the third highest originator of spam globally, accounting for 35% of the spam zombies and 11% of phishing hosts in the Asia-Pacific-Japan region. Almost half of the malcodes in India are worm and 33% are viruses. An unnerving feature is that six of the 10 worms in India disable security processes. The bot mania continues, with Mumbai and Bangalore accounting for half of the 37,000 odd bot-infected computers.” Ghosh describes 2010 as the year of targeted attacks.

He says these attacks were designed for specific targets and were planned with precision. There was steep rise in the frequency and sophistication of targeted attacks on business infrastructure, the notable incidences being of Stuxnet and Hydraq. “The most visible cyber-events of 2010, Stuxnet and Hydraq, have turned the focus on protecting businesses and critical infrastructure.

India had the third highest Stuxnet infections, after Iran and Indonesia . A large number of infections were through computer users relying on removable drives to copy data.” Stuxnet, first reported in June, targeted computers managing industrial control systems . India had 10% of total infections .

Such attacks also have the ability to leap the ‘air gap’ : they can reach computers that are not connected to the internet, through USB drives. Indian companies that have critical infrastructure, all of which is managed these days by computers, need to be vigilant too, he says.

Courtesy :- Times Of India


Citibank on Phishing e-mails



•Please do not click photographs with your mobile phones without permission from the people or authorities concerned. You may be invading the privacy and possibly indulging in an illegal act.
•Do not send obscene / pornographic text / images using SMS.
•Do not send obscene / pornographic text / images using MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
•Do not receive from or reply to SMS / MMS of strangers.
•Do not transmit obscene/ pornographic material, as it is an offence under Information Technology Act –2000 which carries a punishment of 5 years of imprisonment and 1 lakh rupees fine.
•Do not make calls to the unknown phone / mobile numbers you get while chatting or which are exhibited on various profiles on the Internet. If you do, you may be causing harassment to the other person.
•Do not keep your Blue Tooth open at all times-you may receive obscene / pornographic text, images and viruses.
•Do not give your mobile numbers while chatting on INTERNET to avoid “STALKING”.
•DO not handover your mobile phone to unauthorised service centres, to avoid CLONING.
•It has been reported in the press that some unscrupulous elements may contact your mobile saying that they are from government agencies or Service Providers and request you to press #90 or #09. It is reported that doing so would transfer control of your SIM to the caller. SO DO NOT PRESS #90 or #09 when asked by unidentified persons.


•Note down your IMEI number.
•Security pin code should be used to avoid misuse of your mobile phones.
•MMSs / SMSs received should be checked for their source before opening.
•Delete all obscene / pornographic text, images, SMS /MMS from your mobile phones which you might have received or stored. Otherwise this may land you in trouble and unwanted embarrassment.
•Anti-virus software should be loaded in the mobile phone.
•Mobile phone keypad should be locked after every use.
•Use your mobile phone only when necessary .

Coutsey: BSNL

How to enable legacy for sata hard drive in HP?

To Enter the BIOS setup

Try any one of the following key’s on HP Server
Esc; DEL; F1; F2; F10; Ctrl +S

Go to Advance

Select on Harddisk Configuration

Click on Sata Mode Selection

Select AHCI

Be Aware / Stay Away from phishing emails

An email is enough to rob you of your hard-earned money !

Phishing email alert : Stay away from phishing emails claiming to be from Reserve Bank of India.

we thought to update you about the ongoing dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.

We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.We understand that you need to be notified about any dangers lurking over your bank account. Reproduced here is a fake email supposedly sent by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), that is being circulated on the internet.

Phishing alerts

RBI Fake mailRBI fake loginfake RBI

Such mails are fradulent. Request you not to respond to such emails. Be aware and be alert. In case you have clicked on any links within such an email and /or shared any sensitive data, please contact your nearest Bank Bank branch or write to you bank support email id or call your bank customer care and inform them and take a next guidelines.

Courtesy : got email from HDFC Bank Ltd.

In Linux system How to set date and time?

How to check date?

Type date command


Thu May 12 15:43:04 IST 2011 (Shown on today date)

How to set date and time?

For example, set new data to 2 Oct 2006 18:00:00, type the following command as root user:

# date -s "2 OCT 2006 18:00:00"


# date --set="2 OCT 2006 18:00:00"

You can also simplify format using following syntax:

# date +%Y%m%d -s "20081128"

Linux Set Time

To set time use the following syntax:

# date +%T -s "10:13:13"


  • 10: Hour (hh)
  • 13: Minute (mm)
  • 13: Second (ss)

Use %p locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM, enter:

# date +%T%p -s "6:10:30AM"

# date +%T%p -s “12:10:30PM”

Courtesy :-

Strong Password Policy Tips